Saturday, October 5, 2024

Don't Order One--Thousand of Anything!

 I recently received a small order of my latest book, A Gentleman and a Scholar, the ninth book in the Longleigh Chronicles. I pre-autographed them which saves lots of time later and slapped an autographed by author sticker on the cover. I finally ran out of the 1,000 stickers I had ordered fifteen years ago.  Basically, this means I've hand sold about the same number of books, though some are still in storage. By this time, however, they barely stuck to the covers and often popped off so I was back to saytng, "Yes, it is autographed" as if my signature would ever mean anything in a hundred years. I vowed to only buy a hundred more.  But discovered that although cheap, they only come in 1,000 piece packets. Amazon offered many shapes and styles, but I will never use them all. My daughter is now writing YA SF and if she gets published, I will give her at least half of these or more.

I also purchased 1,000 elegant business cards with my name and full contact information on them, and I mean all, phone number, e-mail address, street address. No, fanatical fans did not track me down though occasionally I'd get a nice note when a person had read one of books and liked it-if only they had dropped a review instead. It did make my day until a spoil sport told me they only wanted to get a free book out of me. Mostly, I got a bunch of annoying phone calls from people who wanted to sell me things. It seems folks would walk through an event picking up cards and selling the information. Even the old Yellow Pages called telling me I could get a lot more painting jobs if I advertised with them. My card said I also painted. I had to explain I did not paint houses, only on canvas, for fun not money. Though I still have 500 cards left, I give them out only sparingly to people who ask for them. If I move or change my phone number they will end up in the trash.

 My e-mail address and blog are listed on my book cards. I used to order 250 of these with each new book that came out because it was the best price. They have the book cover on one side, a blurb on the other, and a listing of all my titles plus the basic contact information. These have been useful, but believe me, 100 of each would have been plenty. I used to include an ISBN number but when one of my publishers went under and I resold the book, I had to throw all of those cards out since the book was recovered and the ISBN no longer correct.

     Swag-readers at events love free swag-and seldom buy a book. Save your money. Even now I have a few foam footballs left from an order of one-hundred and posters I used to give away with the purchase of a book (boy, did that fail). I've had friends who bought 1,000 cheap pens with their names imprinted on them only to find the ink ran dry after a year or so, and they had to be thrown out. My personal favorite swag is an emery board, useful and doesn't go stale. What I am saying is don't go overboard buying swag in your first flush of publishing fame unless you do strike it rich.

My books are not self-published but put out by small e-presses which lately are dropping like the autumn leaves. So far my two still exist for now. I order my books to sell at events from them and do not get any for free which is why I am cheap about giving them away. Still, the self-published often ask me how many copies they should order. I always tell them 100 as that is the extent of your friends and relatives who will buy your first book, but not likely your second, and many will not read it at all. Way back I did order 100 copies of each new book.  I did sell out my first, Goals for a Sinner, my best, Queen of the Mardi Gras Ball, and another entitled A Taste of bayou Water of which I had only ordered 50. Most of the others still have around thirty each laying around in boxes in the storage area ten years later. Now I only order a dozen and will reorder if needed. E-publishers would rather sell e-books. My orders are print on demand. They don't exist anywhere but in my back room and a few available on Amazon, also PODs or used books for ridiculous prices. Contact me and I will sell you one for $20 which includes postage, all but the latest which are $25 because the price of paper has has gone up so much.

Now, I was taken to task by a friend who self-published a memoir of growing up in a small town in the 1950's.  It was well written and had photos of her family. She went ahead and ordered 1,000 copies and sold them all for over twenty dollars each. Why? Every person in that small town wanted to see if they had been mentioned. For the most part, they weren't. It was a very personal story and only notes some stores of which she had fond memories which are now gone. She reordered. Who knows how many are her storage area now. I end by cautioning, don't buy 1,000 of anything.


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Check your Sales Entries

      This one is for authors who have their publications up on Amazon. Don't we all! From time to time, look at your entries on this venue and others. I have thirty-six books in print. Once a day, I check my up and down status which really means nothing other than someone might have viewed your page. It doesn't mean a sale though you can tell if this happens if you suddenly have a huge status change for the better. My sales page is so cluttered with sponsored ads (paid) that I sometimes have trouble finding my own titles which now runs to three pages because of all the extra ads. I don't know about others, but I rarely respond to any of these ads and some are so far from what I write, I wonder why Amazon placed them there. For a year, I tried sponsored ads which are very reasonably priced though I rarely saw them appear anywhere. Instead of gaining readers, I lost them with four of my books going to No Sales Report which had never happened before. Two were part of my long running and modestly successful Sinners Sports Romances which always sold previously.

     So, I took a look at these entries on my page and found some glaring errors. Sister of a Sinner, one of my shorter books, was listed for sale for $26.45 in soft cover while other titles printed around the same time were $16.00. A used copy was also listed for $26.45, ridiculous when this book is still in print and can be purchased for $16.99 online from Barnes and Noble. No wonder it wasn't selling. I did report this-no answer, no change in pricing. It was also listed as a fantasy which it is not. The young woman in the story does see auras, but despite her special skill, she is kidnapped and rescued by one of the Sinners team members. Well, maybe that is a fantasy but not the kind most people envision.

     Moving on to another in the same series, She's a Sinner, about the first woman punter in the NFL. I predict this will  happen soon. The cover has a woman who really could be a kicker, not some fantasy league babe in a skimpy uniform. The soft cover is fairly priced at $14.99--but it is also offered as a mass market paperback for $53. I wish I had mass market books, but all of mine are print on demand and still in print for $14.99.  Who would pay this ridiculous price for a used book. My only idea is a money laundering scheme. I did report this.  The mass market offering was taken down, only to pop up again a few months later where it still remains. They seem only to target this one book out of my thirty-six over and over. Still can't figure out why. But, do check your entries for such scams.

     I used to post monthly, but can't really see the point anymore as I rarely get any comments though I do get a small number of views and love seeing where these views come from. Today, I had one from Kazakhstan and a large number from China which seems odd but interesting. Possibly, someone is using my blog for other purposes, but I am not computer literate enough to know. So for now, goodbye to my single reader in Kazakhstan.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Pitfalls of Writing a Long, Long Series

      I love to write series.  My Sinners Sports Romances has now come to a conclusion after fifteen books spanning two generations on the lives and loves of a football dynasty. Sales for this series simply disappeared two years ago for no reason I could discover whether it was the TikTok scam to get free books or as one editor told me, my books were too old fashioned. Young people today want highly emotional one person narrators who spend most of the books trying to solve one problem rather than third person narratives that are often funny, i.e. my books.  Strange, when I first began writing I was told readers no longer wanted first person narratives, funny or not. The book I had offered at the time was Mardi Gras Madness. Eventually, it sold along with Courir de Mardi Gras with three POVS and Queen of the Mardi Gras Ball having one. They remain among my bestsellers and are easy to vend at authors' events but I haven't written anymore. Trends come and trends go, and one of those trends might kill a long running series.

      I wrote four books featuring bull riders that petered out after four books.  I had planned two more. They are still in the back of my mind, and some of the characters have done cameos in other books so they do live on.  Currently, I am working on a ten book series, The Longleigh Chronicles, Regency set historicals that are only now catching on as I finish up book nine. I found that as I worked on this ninth book, I'd forgotten some details as I went along. Fortunately, all of my books are stored on my desk top computer (and a data stick and a Toshiba external drive). I can go back into those files and verify some character's eye color or the name of a servant, etc. that I'd long forgotten. I also keep a list of characters in a paper file with their characteristics written down just in case of computer failure.  As the series expands, I need to keep track of the children born, age, and appearance. It takes a good memory and many backups to write a long series.

    Then there are the things I never considered important.  In Queen of the Mardi Gras Ball which takes place in the 1920s, the heroine buys several Picasso paintings that her bully of a husband hates. She loses everything to get a divorce and starts life over in another town. I forgot all about those Picassos until a reader asked me what happened to them. Gee, I don't know.  Her ex might have slashed them or given them to the maid to sell.  Perhaps they are still in the attic of the house on Prytania Street where Roz once lived.  Interesting question. Maybe they will turn up in another unrelated book some day.

     Once I finish the Longleigh Chronicles, I don't know what I will do.  Perhaps some single titles.  Maybe bring the Longleigh offspring into the Victorian era. I have no idea right now with the tenth book still to write. I am sure something will come to me as I cannot fathom giving up writing, successful or not.



Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Selling Books during an Eclipse

      I've sold my books in many, many places and all kinds of weather but never before during a eclipse. My home town sat right on the line for the October 14, 2023 eclipse.  It was also the day of our town's big arts and crafts fair and it's Gumbo Festival.  We were allowed to set up tables and tents the day before, a big help considering it would be hell to find parking the day of. Nothing like having to lug boxes of books and art, and all I need to survive the--a thermos of hot tea, a book to read, a lunch and snacks, water and cold drinks several blocks. So, we arrived at seven a.m. for an event that started at nine. Even then parking was starting fill up, but we got a good spot and started setting a shady space. I cannot do this without my husband's help anymore, and he was chomping at the bit to get me settled in order to put up his eclipse viewing telescope in Blue Dog plaza. I did take more stuff than usual as I didn't have him as a backup to fetch extra books or give me a lunch break. He did leave me with two sets of eclipse glasses as well. I would see the eclipse but not him until four p.m. when we had to pack up. 

     Maybe it was the special circumstances, but people came out in droves and moved between the fair and the gumbo tents all day. The eclipse, not a total one, began around ten-thirty and ended near two-thirty. Eclipses are very slow moving events. The light dimmed, but it did not get dark. In fact, many people didn't realize an eclipse was happening.. The moon blocked the sun to keep the temperature down. I made short trips to an open area and caught it at a crescent, at half, almost full, and then down to just a single bite out of the side before the sun returned. Trustingly, I lent my eclipse glasses to folks who had none-and one pair walked off never to return. After that I required their immediate return. I don't think anyone of those folks bought a book, but yowza, sales were good.  I sold four pieces of mini-art, and two other paintings, rare for me, plus lots of books. In fact, I did have to dash back to the car too get more of two titles, my ever popular Queen of the Mardi Gras Ball and Lady Flora's Rescue, the first title in  my Regency series. Gotta reorder both.

     Afraid my last set of eclipse glasses would vanish, I asked someone headed to the Gumbo Fest to pick up some more from my husband.  She returned to say he'd run out of them, giving away four-hundred. I was sending people to get a view through his sun safe telescope, and he was sending folks to view my art and books.  Not all the six hundred people who looked through his telescope visited me but some did. One woman, as I was starting to pack up, picked out the two titles above and wanted to use Vendmo. Sorry, I only take cash and checks which I grant you is very-old-fashioned. Bless her heart, she ran three blocks to an ATM and returned with the money. What a compliment! Never happened before. I am usually told they will go to the ATM and never see the customer again.

     After the eclipse passed, the temps went up to ninety, sales fell off, and people went home to their air-conditioned homes. As my exhausted husband took down the tent, he said he'd shown six-hundred viewers the eclipse. I told him I'd had my second best day at this event ever, and I'd been doing it for years. There seemed to something magical about the eclipse.  I wish I could arrange one every year on this date. Well, there will be one next April.  We are going to view it in Texas. And no, I will not be lugging my books along--or maybe I should.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Weather to Write

   I enjoy writing when it rains, the sound of it falling and that cozy feeling that no one will come to the front door and interrupt.  Unfortunately, we haven't had rain for seven weeks, a real oddity in Louisiana where we get sixty inches a year and big thunderstorms in summer.  Add on to that the week long temperatures over one hundred degrees. Our backyard weather station registered 109 last week.   Yeah, we're used to heat here but not prolonged heat like this.  One person I know remarked that it seemed to be the Covid seclusion all over again because no one was out on the streets, no dog walkers or early morning joggers. Sure, we have AC in our cars but even buckling a seat belt results in burned fingertips, and the car doesn't cool off much before getting to your destination.

     So what does this have to do with writing?  I should be hard at work on the latest Longleigh Chronicle, A Gentleman and a Scholar, but seem to have the same malaise that I suffered from during Covid.  No urge to be creative.  During Covid, I managed to complete only one painting and abandoned The Aussie Sinner half-written.  It wasn't writer's block.  I knew what I wanted to write but lost the will to do it.  Usually, I have a new title out in January, but that date came and went with no forward progress. If some of my worried fans hadn't asked me when the new book would be out, it might still be in limbo. For them, I got back to work, slowly at first and got it done.

     What did a long hot spell have in common with Covid?  Isolation.  I found I needed to be around people, my art group, book club, my fellow guides at Shadows on the Teche, etc. for sheer stimulation. Unlike some authors, I am not an introvert.  I love the meet and greet and being out in public When cut off from interaction, I fade and begin to doubt if I have any talent at all, so why bother.  I'm not sure if this is unique to me or if others suffer from this as well.

     Of course in Louisiana, we do have hurricanes that cut the power off for days. It is hard to write by candlelight even if you have a power backup on the computer--which will only last a few hours. My admiration goes to people in the distant past that wrote whole tomes using candles and quills or dip pens. I did write my first book by hand and then typed it on a Brothers Electric Typewriter. Let me tell you, using a computer is way easier once you get the hang of it.

      Then, there are other summer interruptions--vacations, two this year, one to a family reunion at Dollywood (which is lovely-you go Dolly Parton) and another to Hawaii. Maybe more on that later, but they do take chunks out of your writing time and interrupt your writing rhythm which for me is get on the computer in the early afternoon and keep butt in chair until I have written a thousand words or must go to make dinner, which ever comes first. Hard to get that back after lazing around in paradise for a while.

     Hopefully, the heat and drought will break. Social life will pick up again in September, and I will feel motivated to write.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Selling books in a Freezer

 It's been a while since I paid any attention to this blog which I am fairly sure few people read. I did have a busy spring with author events of various kinds nearly every other weekend while doing edits on number eight of the Longleigh Chronicles, The Earl's Ugly Mistress, to be out in July. Galley has been proofed so we are on schedule.

Now where did I leave off? Oh, yes, I was about to tackle selling books at a library event. I've said before no one sells much inside a library. People browse, take the freebies which I have given up providing, and maybe a book card and say they will read the library copy--and never leave a review. So, mostly I smooze with them and other authors that I see at so many of these events we've become friends. Knowing this and going mostly to see friends, I signed up for an author's row at a library where I've gone before knowing it would be very chilly inside and no food would be available.

Prepared, I wore long sleeves and packed a lunch and snacks as we had to be there from ten in the morning until three in the afternoon. I'd asked to be seated near two of my author friends to have someone to talk to during the long lulls when everyone avoids your table. Eight of us were placed in a small meeting room off a long hallway. Others were in the center of the library and some out in the hall. Since every year sprouts more new authors, mostly self-published inspirational books or books about their moms or family, I can tell you those others were lucky. 

Our small room was the temperature of a meat locker which often happens when the thermostat is set to cool a large area. My author friends who had not brought a sweater took periodic breaks outside to warm up and later went to a nearby McDonald's to bring back a lunch. I said I'd watch their tables. No worries as not one person took a look at our wares all morning due to something I'd never encountered before in all my years of doing these things.

One of the authors in our room had proudly published a textbook on teaching phonics--and asked her church group to come and support her effort. One by one a dozen elderly women wandered in and found a chair. The library staff had to bring in more seats and lined them up in a long row.. Her support group then sat down and placed a copy of the book in their laps and sat there for close to three hours, not even talking. The author took single pictures of each one right in front of the door to the room. Who wants to enter when they might mess up someone's photo? Other people peeked in and probably thought a meeting was in progress.

On a bathroom and warmup break, I did ask one lady why they were there. To support our author friend, she said. I had to admire their stamina. Elderly as they were, they could have caught pneumonia in there. I told her as nicely as I could that usually support meant buying a book, talking to the author for a short time, and moving on. No need to sit there all day. She didn't take my advice but between noon and one, they began to get hungry and left--only to be replaced by more supporters in the afternoon. No one sold anything except the phonics lady who had clogged the room with her friends.

A half hour before closing, the aunt of one of my friends arrived and bought one of her books and another from the friend sitting next to her. Only half joking, I said, "Why not one of mine?" The reply, "Oh, I promised the woman across from you I'd buy her T-shirt, and I only have ten dollars left for that." And she ran away. I am not usually so needy as I know how it goes. What amazed me was she came back clutching twelve dollars in cash damp with sweat from being outdoors and did buy one of my books. She explained she'd had to go to an ATM for more cash, bless her heart. 

After my one sale, I figured that was it. Time to pack up, but as I was doing that. another woman entered the room and hastily went down the line buying one book from each author in the meat locker, but not the phonics lady. Her arms were filled with books. I gave her a nice canvas bag to hold them all as I have many of these from conferences and and it is a good way to repurpose them. She was grateful but scurried off. I still don't know her motivation as she barely looked at the titles, but hey, a sale is a sale. Having made my usual quota of two sales at these library events, I finished packing, loaded up, and didn't turn on the A/C in the car, though it was a hot day, until I thawed out. 

What I really got out of this event was a good story to tell.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Caterpillars in my Hair-or the Joys of Selling Books Outdoors

      I see I skipped my blog for March, and no wonder. In the space of four weeks, I had three authors events to prepare for and attend with two more to come, and of course, Easter to celebrate in there somewhere.  Two of the events were arts and crafts fairs and one a literary festival, all outdoors. Two I had done before and knew the layout, how far tables and chairs, and boxes of books had to be lugged from parking, when I could set up and when I could leave. The third was a new arts and crafts fair held at a historic home with a huge oak grove. Spaces were marked out but not assigned and the earliest we could get in was seven-thirty for a ten o'clock start. The places was about a ten mile drive from home.  We arrived at eight-thirty to find many of the spaces gone but still got a good enough place along the walkway between the parking lot and the house. Best of all, we could park at our space making setup so much easier, especially for my husband who has to do all the hauling of the heavy stuff and put up a tent advertised at being easy to do--but isn't.  For one, I am not tall enough to raise the tent to its proper level and the other, just not good at tent pitching. Usually, I sit in the chair we've brought along and listen to him cuss as he gets the canopy up. You can, of course, skip a tent, but I learned my lesson the first time it rained and I had to hustle all my paperback books into boxes and beg the person in the adjoining tent for temporary shelter. Just an aside, also pack your books in plastic boxes that keep the weather out.

      I had my thirty-five books set up in their vertical racks and some art work on a trellis ready to go by opening. Let me tell you, ten to three is a looong day when you are alone behind those tables. My husband usually goes home after the setup and returns a half hour before closing. Sometimes, he'll show up to give me a lunch break and chance to walk around and use the bathroom without my having to ask the neighbors to watch my stuff. I always pack a lunch as I don't really have time to stand in line for food and often there is no food at all. In this case, there was also a gumbo cookoff and the vendors were given a free ticket to get a cup. It went well with my sandwich and apple and Coke Zero. Lots of other food booths sold soul food, barbecue, and boiled crawfish, but that can get messy around books. I used to give out cookies until I learned that small children will take a chocolate chip, then smear it all over any books that that attract them. No more cookies and chocolate freebies in my booth, just book cards anyone can take. The kids like the ones with the fireman and the football kicker on the cover. Oh, and always bring a rag to wipe down any besmirched books.

     I also strive to find a place with some shade. Here in Louisiana, you can take a tan or a sunburn even under a tent. In March which I consider arts and crafts season, the temperatures can go up to eighty by three o'clock. I'd got a space under a tall water oak and was quite content until I found a caterpillar in my hair. I was under a tarp and couldn't image how it got there. But over time, I plucked two more from my head. They were small striped ones, not the black stinging variety that I sometimes encountered at another fair, and thank heaven for that! I am not squeamish or vindictive, and so plucked them from my hair gently and put them on the ground where they met other little friends and had a party on my book boxes which were well sealed. I gave up trying to relocate them as they appeared to just return. I ended up amusing myself during the slow hours by watching them tangle and repel down the sides of the boxes only to climb up again. Cheap fun.

     As I said, it was a new event and the crowd was light. It did earn back the forty dollar fee for the space and forty more in sales. People who preferred e-books picked up my cards to check them out on Amazon which might mean future sales. I always try to get a browser to take a card with all my titles on the back and a blurb for my newest at the top. Since I provide bags recycled from other places like  the WW II Museum, Graceland, and our local pie restaurant which are greatly appreciated and cost me nothing, I always put my latest book cards in there with their purchases. You just never know if that will result in another sale. Anyhow, I did okay other than insulting a person who wanted me to come down on a price for a painting of a magnolia in a gold frame marked $50. I had to remind her this was original art and the frame cost thirty dollars, not a garage sale. She huffed off, but sorry, twenty dollars didn't even cover the cost of the canvas and paint. 

     Around two, disappointed vendors started leaving. Most had Easter crafts or were selling soaps and witty plaques. There hadn't been many buyers. I think the folks who put it on did their best, but I don't know if they will do it again next year. It was worth it for me. I'd go another time, but check the space for caterpillars first.